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конспект урока Физико-химическая и органолептическая характеристика масел. из трех сортов оливок: «Лейкокарпа» (Белая оливка), «Чемлали» и «Арбосана»

Разработан тест

Olive oil is an excellent vegetable product whose quality is influenced by certain factors; the cultivar, the climate, the ripening of the olives, methods of harvesting and extraction as well as the duration and conditions of storage. This work was based on a comparison of the quality of olive oil of three varieties (Leucocarpa, Chemlali and Arbosana) for two regions; Sidi Bouzid and Gafsa by focusing on physicochemical parameters; quality (acidity, IP, extinction coefficients, humidity) and purity (content of fatty acids, chlorophyll, carotenoids, polyphenols) as well as organoleptic parameters. The results obtained made it possible to classify the olive oils of Gafsa in the category of extra virgin olive oil and current virgin Sidi Bouzid. Olive oil has specific characteristics depending on the cultivar; the oil of the variety "Leucocarpa" (White olive) which is very different from the other varieties of olive studied. Sensory analyzes show that “Arbosana” olive oils from the Gafsa region have a good organoleptic quality compared to that of the “Leucocarpa” and “Chemlali” varieties, they are moderately fruity, less bitter and slightly pungent. The study of the properties of olive oil of the “Leucocarpa” variety (white olive) constitutes a scientific novelty, because this variety is rare and little studied by scientists specializing in this field At the national and global levels. Keywords: Olive oil, variety, parameters, physicochemical, organoleptic, quality.

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Раздел: Конкурсные работы. «Открытый урок»
Могранская высшая сельскохозяйственная школа
Дата публикации: 04.09.2024
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Фарес З. . Физико-химическая и органолептическая характеристика масел. из трех сортов оливок: «Лейкокарпа» (Белая оливка), «Чемлали» и «Арбосана» // Международный каталог для учителей, преподавателей и студентов «Конспекты уроков» // URL: https://xn----dtbhtbbrhebfpirq0k.xn--p1ai/open19/k/file/123799-fiziko-khimicheskaya-i-organolepticheskaya-kharakteristika-masel-iz-trekh-sortov-olivok-lejkokarpa-belaya-olivka-chemlali-i-arbosana (дата обращения: 22.12.2024)
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