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конспект урока Famous people of Great Britain


—        To educate  character of the students based on universal human values; to develop activeness and independence, tolerance and respect to other nations and cultures for successful self-realization; to teach cognitive activity through the use of foreign language;

—        To develop students’ internal motivation for language and culture learning; to develop students’ attention and open-mindedness, aural memory, way of thinking and imagination, ability to analytical activity.

—        To broaden students’ outlook through the familiarization with new information on the topic “British Writers”

—        To develop students’ communicative competences, spontaneous and preprogrammed speaking; to develop creativeness through the use of information and communication technologies

—        To train the students in free foreign language speaking  during preparation of a project on the topic “British Writers”

—        To develop students’ creative self-expression skills while making a presentation regarding this branch of art and their own understanding of beauty

Раздел: Конспекты уроков по английскому и другим иностранным языкам для 10 класса
преподаватель иностранного языка
Дата публикации: 18.11.2016
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Рустемова А. Т. Famous people of Great Britain // Международный каталог для учителей, преподавателей и студентов «Конспекты уроков» // URL: https://xn----dtbhtbbrhebfpirq0k.xn--p1ai/in-yaz/10-klass/file/34255-famous-people-of-great-britain (дата обращения: 05.02.2025)
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