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конспект урока Совершенное продолженное глагольное время активного залога в английском языке

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по дисциплине «Иностранный (английский) язык»


Тема: «Свершенное продолженное глагольное время активного залога в английском языке»

Составитель: Лильеберг Ребекка Эриковна


Exercise No 1 (beginning level) – please, open brackets and insert these verbs in form Present Perfect Continuous Tense instead of gaps:

  1. Student Ivanov …….. his English homework, because he has an exam tomorrow (to do).
  2. Where are you going? – It ………….. since last night outside (to rain).
  3. What does he do? - He …… with textbooks from all sides (to surround).
  4. The weather is awful! Rainwater …………entire our basement (to flood).
  5. There is no water in the house, and a pipe-fitter ………… somewhere since the morning! (to walk).

Exercise No 2 (middle level) - please, open brackets and insert these verbs in form Present Perfect Continuous Tense instead of gaps:

  1. It seems to me that he …………. at the medical college since his infancy (to study).
  2. I … English for two years, however, recently I switched to Latin (to learn).
  3. I ………. at the medical college for a very long time, probably soon I will retire (to study).
  4. I …… to finish my studies in medical college for many years, but I have every time failed (to wish).
  5. You will have to wait for him: he ……….. it for a very long time (to think).

Exercise No 3 (complicated level) - please, open brackets and insert these verbs in form Present Perfect Continuous Tense instead of gaps:

  1. I … this book for a week now and can’t tear myself away from it (to read).
  2. I ……… my bike since I was child (to rid).
  3. Who …… around with my notebooks? How should I pass the English exam tomorrow? (to mess)
  4. He ………. again, although he knows that he always makes a riot in the drunk! (to drink)
  5. You again ……….. an ice cream on the street, even though you know that the doctor has forbidden it to you! (to eat)
Раздел: Конспекты уроков по английскому и другим иностранным языкам для 11 класса
ФГБПОУ "Медицинский колледж" Минобра РФ
Дата публикации: 19.06.2019
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Ребекка Э. Л. Совершенное продолженное глагольное время активного залога в английском языке // Международный каталог для учителей, преподавателей и студентов «Конспекты уроков» // URL: https://xn----dtbhtbbrhebfpirq0k.xn--p1ai/in-yaz/11-klass/file/72712-sovershennoe-prodolzhennoe-glagolnoe-vremya-aktivnogo-zaloga-v-anglijskom-yazyke (дата обращения: 22.12.2024)
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