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конспект урока Мy house

Aim of the lesson:
Educational: to explain the theme of the lesson, to introduce the meanings of the new words(one floor, two floors, house, big, small, new,old) and rule there is/there are and use in your speech.
Developing: to develop the students' habits of reading, writing and speaking; their grammar box, vocabulary, sound-ou house, count, mouse , work with partner and to make a short dialogue and monologue and be active at the lesson.
Cultural: To teach them to be in love to their house and flats. To be courtesy, responsibility, honest and be friendly.
Expect result:
Children will be know new words, rule there is/there are and use in your speech. They can read text and understand words, sentence; They can followed by a short discussion  with questions.

Раздел: Конспекты уроков по английскому и другим иностранным языкам для 2 класса
Новая средняя школа
Дата публикации: 02.05.2015
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Тлешова А. К. Мy house // Международный каталог для учителей, преподавателей и студентов «Конспекты уроков» // URL: https://xn----dtbhtbbrhebfpirq0k.xn--p1ai/in-yaz/2-klass/file/9767-my-house (дата обращения: 22.12.2024)
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