конспект урока Food
Practical Objectives:
-to activate the use of thematical vocabulary (fruit and vegetables, food and drinks);
-to train and improve pupils’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills;
-to improve pupils' pronunciation;
-to explore the use of countable/uncountable nouns; “How much/How many?”;
Educational Objectives:
-to expand the pupils' knowledge on the topic given;
Developing Objectives:
-to develop the pupils' ability of using their knowledge in new situations;
-to teach the pupils to work in groups and pairs;
-to develop pupils' imagination and attention;
-to incorporate creative thinking, team-work;
Educative Objectives:
-to introduce competitive spirit into a group (to play games);
-to foster the pupils to get interested in learning English (to solve puzzles, to guess riddles, etc)
Выходные данные (библиографическая ссылка):
Болтенкова А. Г. Food // Международный каталог для учителей, преподавателей и студентов «Конспекты уроков» // URL: https://xn----dtbhtbbrhebfpirq0k.xn--p1ai/in-yaz/3-klass/file/15805-food (дата обращения: 21.11.2024)Вместе мы делаем образование лучше!
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